What We Do

These are our heartfelt contributions...

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness.”

Our Perspective!


In DDD international Not good enough for children to remain in abject poverty because they lack access to quality education

Spiritual Development

We Works to bring the love of Jesus in a culturally appropriate way by walking with children  and with community to enhance relationships with God

Social Support & Rehabilitation

We help strong social support network to help through the stress of tough times, or otherwise

Health Support

Statistics show that children are dying from preventable diseases. In DDD International  we collaborate with families to bridge this gap 

Meet Our Partners

We are open for support from individual, families and organizations

Take Glance at Our Previous Good Work

Preaching the gospel, counselling and others activities to add value to humanity.


The fastest way to get across to us is by using our email and whatsapp means of communication while our other social media platforms are also good avenue.

In DDD International we accept whatever resource that our prospective partners are willing and capable of offering us.

Our hallmark contributions are  to ensure God’s knowledge widely spread across the world and spreading the helping hand. to the needy